About us
Connecting Arts was founded it the year 2013 by Theresa Ritter, MA.
Since then the agency is operating internationally and in different sectors.
Entertainment for Connecting Arts is not only a job or profession but a lifestyle. To entertain and to offer unique and unforgettable experiences for guests, clients, spectators and friends is our goal. All artists, working in cooperation with Connecting Arts, are highly trained professionals and a lot of them are belonging to the worlds best in their art.
Let`s live Entertainment!
Theresa Ritter, BED., MA.
Theresa Ritter was born in Graz (Austria) and started her dancing education with the age of three years. Next to her first music courses from the age of six, she also started to play recorder. After visiting a primary school, she went to a music middle school in Graz (Musikhauptschule Ferdinandeum), followed by the music gymnasium (Musikgymnasium) Dreihakengasse in Graz, where she finished her final schooling exams. During this education she started playing piano at the Johann-Josef-Fux Konservatorium in Graz and began her singing education not only in the school, but also in recording studios. As well in this period, she finished her education as classical ballet dancer on the opera of Graz (Oper Graz.) After her basic education she studied social behavior of animals and human, lectorships in german, music and biology and then finished her master of arts in interdisciplinary gender studies at the universities KFU (Karl-Franzens-Universität) Graz and PH (Pädagogische Hochschule) Graz.
In 2012 she founded the arts association "Connecting Arts Austria", which she changed to the company "Connecting Arts - Entertainment Agency" in 2013/2014. Next to starting operation internationally, she also recorded and released her own solo album as singer and songwriter in 2016 and still dances actively in some shows of Connecting Arts around the world.
Her passion always was Entertainment. To support young artists, present new ideas and concepts and surprise guests and clients with unique acts and shows, is what Connecting Arts is aiming for.
"Let`s put a smile on peoples faces and offer them unforgettable moments! - This is why we love this work! Let`s live Entertainment!"